
3300 (1) 3PAR (1) Active Directory (1) ADFS (1) Admin Share (1) Auto-Sync (2) Auto-Sync locked (1) AWS (3) AzCopy (1) Azure (3) Backups (2) Broadcom (1) Call Forwarding (1) CLI (2) cmd (1) Compatibility View (1) Dameware MRC (1) Databases (1) DFS (1) DNS (1) Domain Admin (1) domain controller (1) Enterprise Mode (1) ESXi 5.0 (1) ESXi 5.1 (5) ESXi 5.5 (3) Exchange (3) Exchange 2010 (5) Extreme (1) ExtremeXOS (1) Federation (1) File Share (1) FSMO (1) GPO (1) Group Policy (1) Group Policy Client (1) Hardware Acceleration (1) Helpdesk (1) HP-UX (1) Hyper-V (2) IAM (1) IE10 (1) IE11 (1) IP conflict (1) Kayako (3) LDAP (1) Licence (1) Links (9) local groups (1) LUN lock (1) LUN number (1) MAC address (1) Microsoft Teams (1) Mitel (1) Namespaces (1) Networking (6) Nexenta (6) NMC (1) Office 365 (4) OneDrive (1) Outlook 2003 (1) Outlook 2013 (1) PC (1) Physical (1) PowerCLI (10) Powershell (10) promoted links (2) Public Folders (1) RDP (1) RDS (1) Recovery Services (1) RedShift (1) Registry (3) Reports (1) Resolve (2) Restart (1) RSA (1) Run As (1) SAML (1) SAN (1) Scavenging (1) script (10) Server 2003 (3) Server 2008 R2 (1) Server 2012 R2 (2) Servers (2) sharepoint 2013 (3) SMTP (3) Snapshot (2) SRM (1) SSH (5) SSL Certificate (2) Temporary profile (1) Terminal Server (3) Troubleshooting (5) Ubuntu (1) Update Manager (1) Useful Apps (1) VAAI (1) vCenter Server Appliance (1) VDI (1) VDP (1) Veeam Backup and Replication (2) VM (1) VM Error (1) vmdk (1) VMFS (1) vMotion (2) VMware (20) VoiP (1) vSphere 5.5 (4) vSphere 6.0 (2) vSphere 6.5 (1) vUM (1) webpart (1) Windows (3) Windows 10 (1) Windows 7 (2)

Monday 29 July 2013

Windows 7 - User Logging In With Temporary Profile

A user was trying to log in to their computer but was getting a message saying that they were being logged in with a temporary profile. Deleting the users profile did not make any difference.

In order to fix the problem, a change had to be made to the registry.

1. Login as admin and backup the users profile in C:\Users\Username
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows NT > Current Version > Profile List
3. Find the SID.bak for the user's profile (click on the "folder" and the path to the profile should be listed)
4. Delete the SID.bak
5. Login as the user to recreate the profile. Log off and back in as admin and copy their backed up files across

Friday 12 July 2013

Veeam B&R - Hot Add Is Not Supported For This Disk

When backing up a VM using Veeam Backup and Replication, I kept seeing the message;
Hot add is not supported for this disk, failing over to network mode...
This was occurring because the LUN that my Veeam proxy server was running on was formatted in VMFS-3, whilst the server I was trying to back up was on a LUN running VMFS-5 and had a different block size.

After upgrading the proxy LUN to VMFS-5, disks began hot-adding successfully.

Exchange 2010 - Set As Primary SMTP Address

After migrating to Exchange 2010 from 2003, I found that Microsoft had removed the "Set As Primary" button from the E-mail Addresses tab in Active Directory. In order to change the primary address I had to follow the steps below;

1. Login to the new Exchange server and open Exchange Management Console
2. Browse to Microsoft Exchange On-Premises > Recipient Configuration > Mailbox and find the user's mailbox you wish to change.
3. Under the E-mail Addresses tab, uncheck the Automatically update e-mail addresses based on e-mail address policy checkbox.
4. Add the new SMTP address, or right click the address you want as primary and choose Set As Reply.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Problems Deleting Email On A Terminal Server - Exchange 2010, Outlook 2003

When attempting to delete email in the setup below, users received a popup stating "Unknown Error" and could not delete the mail. Selecting the mail and trying to delete again sometimes allowed the deletion to occur.

Users were on a Terminal Server running Windows Server 2003 R2 (SP2) and were using Outlook 2003 (SP3). The Exchange server had recently been migrated to Exchange 2010 (SP1).

The problem was resolved by updating Exchange 2010 to SP3.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

View And Delete Nexenta Snapshots From Command Line

It is possible to list all snapshots on a Nexenta device, as well as remove them via the command line. To do this, follow the commands below;

1. SSH as ADMIN onto the device you are replicating to.
2. SU to root permissions, but don't enter nmc. Your path should read something like root@devicename:/export/home/admin#
3. Run the command;

zfs list -t snapshot
This will list all snapshots on the device. The more snaps you have, the longer this will take so go make a cup of tea while it is running.
4. Find the name of the snap you wish to remove and run the command;
zfs destroy snapname
You can also remove snapshots through the Nexenta GUI by navigating to Data Management > Data Sets > Snapshots

Nexenta Auto-Sync Limit

When trying to set up a new Auto-Sync service I was encountering an error telling me that there was not enough space to replicate the LUN, despite there being 50% free space on the device.

After looking at the free space, it appears that each folder on a Nexenta device has a hard size limit of 5TB.

I created a new folder and attempted to recreate the auto-sync and the service created and ran successfully.

To view the current space used in a folder follow the instructions below;

1. SSH as ADMIN onto the device you are replicating to.
2. SU to root permissions, but don't enter nmc. Your path should read something like root@devicename:/export/home/admin#
3. Run the command;
zfs list -ro space
This will display the AVAIL and USED sizes for each folder.